A safe, just and equal world for women

Domestic Abuse Services

The journey for survivors of domestic abuse can often be long and difficult as they rebuild their lives. We provide support at every each stage, meeting their needs along the road to recovery.

Woman with short hair looks out into the distance.

Crisis support and safety planning

We offer crisis support and safety planning for women and girls experiencing domestic abuse. We do this through our Independent Domestic Abuse Advocate (IDVA) services. Our expert teams manage safety risks and create a tailored support plan for every woman to protect her from further harm, including homicide and suicide.

Emotional and practical support

We provide emotional and practical support for survivors of domestic abuse. This includes help with finances, mental health and the criminal justice process. Our aim is to take them from surviving to thriving.

Advocacy support

We understand that women need support with a range of issues. This can include things like healthcare, housing, and children and family services, as well as interactions with police and other parts of the criminal justice system. We have advocates based in these services so they can work closely with other professionals to ensure women get the help they need at the earliest opportunity.

Women’s centres​

Our Women’s Centres are safe, women-only spaces where clients can meet with their advocate for one-to-one support. They can also connect with other women and develop new skills and interests through the groups and activities we host in partnership with different organisations. Donated items are available for all the women who attend our centres, including clothes and toiletries.

Support for children and young people ​

We provide specialist support for children and young people from the age of 5 to 24 affected by experiences of domestic abuse and responding to their needs, in collaboration with children’s services and schools where appropriate, as well as other stautory services.
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