A safe, just and equal world for women

Our Impact

We are a women’s organisation, delivering systems change and trauma and gender-informed community- based support for women and girls affected by domestic abuse, including those in contact with the criminal justice system.

We work nationally through our innovative, best-practice approached and systems change initiatives.

We deliver wraparound frontline services across the South and Eat of England, including Greater London.

Last year Advance and partners supported thousands of women and children

In the year ended 31 March 2024, through our service delivery programmes, we reached out to thousands of women and children…
Referrals received to our services in total
Individual women supported
women and children referred directly to our domestic abuse services
Women and young women directly referred to our Criminal Justice services
young women and girls referred to our Young Women and Children’s Services

Our impact for domestic abuse survivors and their children

The women we provided domestic abuse services to tell us that our support led to a safer quality of life..
of women said that they felt safer
0 %
of women were at reduced risk
0 %
Felt more supported
0 %
of women said that their quality of life and well-being had improved
0 %

Our impact for women in the criminal justice system

The women we provided justice services to say that our support improved their lives… 
Felt more confident to manage their own wellbeing
0 %
Felt safer
0 %
Felt more confident in accessing support services
0 %
Felt more confident in managing their needs independently
0 %

Our impact for girls and young women

The women and girls we provided services to say that our support improved their lives… 
of YWG supported by our Maia service felt a positive increase in making decisions and choices
0 %
of YWG supported by our Courageous project felt healthier and more positive
0 %
of YWG supported by our Minerva project had an improved understanding, awareness and/ or knowledge of healthy intimate relationships
0 %
of YWG supported by our Courageous project felt safer
0 %

Our annual reports

2024 Annual Report
2023 Annual Report
2022 Annual Report
2021 Annual Report
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