A safe, just and equal world for women

Sponsor us

Being at home should not mean being unsafe.
Join us to say #IAmWithHer

Advance needs your help to support women and children being abused and in desperate need, during the coronavirus outbreak and beyond.

We welcome support from organisations and individuals who share our vision. 

Sponsor us

We welcome support from all organisations, corporations and individuals who share our passion and our vision of a world where women and children lead safe, equal, violence-free lives so that they can flourish and actively contribute to society.

You can make a single or monthly donation by clicking below. You can also set up events or partnerships with your company. To find out more please contact marketing@advancecharity.org.uk 

Payroll giving

Payroll giving is the most tax efficient way to support us. It must be paid through PAYE from your wages or pensions so please do check with your employer if they are enrolled in the payroll giving scheme.

It is a great way of giving to Advance every time you are paid and helping to support women and children suffering from abuse or women who have or at risk of committing a crime.

If you would like more information about this, please email us at marketing@advancecharity.org.uk 


Contact a Payroll Giving agency to set up a scheme.

Find a list of approved agencies here

Make deductions each time you run payroll. The donation will be taken from your employees’ pay before tax but after National Insurance.

Send the donations to your agency – they’ll pass them on to the chosen charities

More about how to get involved

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