A safe, just and equal world for women

Advance announces fundraising partnership with Anglo-Recycling

November 29, 2022
Mission to reduce landfill, upcycle unwanted clothes and support Advance’s work with women affected by domestic abuse and those in the criminal justice system.

Advance, the sector-leading women’s charity, has announced a new partnership with the recycling company Anglo-Recycling, to benefit from income gained through their doorstep collections service, and to support better sustainability in the clothing industry.

The partnership with Anglo’s doorstep collections service will provide much-needed funds for Advance’s core services, supporting women and girls who experience domestic abuse and those at risk of or in the criminal justice system, understanding that these two issues are often linked. Advance’s approach is to support those in need in their communities, working with women directly and alongside specialist services and statutory partners to make women and girls feel safe and to rebuild their lives.

Anglo Doorstep Collections is a UK based company that collects clothing of all kinds, as well as bed linen and other items no longer wanted or of use, such as toys, musical instruments, sports equipment and more.  These items are sold in second-hand shops in the UK and in other countries as well as supporting efforts in Ukraine.

By booking a doorstep collection directly through Advance’s website the charity will gain income and help to reduce landfill of textiles and other household items that do not easily degrade, as well as reduce the vast quantities of water and CO2 used in fast fashion production. Anglo Doorstep Collections aims to return no longer needed or used items back into the economy thus reducing the demand for new items to be manufactured whilst simultaneously raising funds for charity.

Niki Scordi, CEO of Advance, said:
“A partnership that produces income for Advance so we can meet the increasing need of women and girls affected by abuse and domestic violence, and helps to reduce fashion’s footprint, supports our core values.”
Anglo Doorstep Collections commented:
“Women are an integral and essential part of our workforce, and we want to recognise this by supporting a charity that is there to help women in need. Domestic abuse is abhorrent, and we want to do our part in helping victims by supporting a charity that is on the frontline.”

Book your collection today.


For all press enquiries, please contact:

E: Marketing@advancecharity.org.uk

T: 020 3953 3111

M: 079 328 11848

About recycling clothes for cash
  • The United States Agency for International Development USAID published a report from Africa (2017) mentioning that a new generation of women, specifically seamstresses, are thriving economically by buying cheap imported clothes that are damaged, using the buttons, patterns, trim and belts to recreate new clothes that are viewed locally as very fashionable.
    In Africa, where purchase power is significantly lower than Europe, good quality affordable second hand clothes are much in demand that they can alter or re-sell.
  • On average, a household donates 8kg of clothing and 4kg of bric-a-brac per collection booked through Anglo Doorstep Collections. The second-hand value of this is approximately £10.00
  • 60% of the proceeds from collections will be donated to Advance

www.anglodoorstepcollections.co.uk     www.facebook.com/anglodoorstepcollections

About Advance
  • Advance’s vision is a world in which women and children lead safe, equal, violence-free lives so that they can flourish and actively contribute to society. The charity works with women who experience domestic abuse to be safe and take control of their lives, and women who have committed crime or are at risk of offending to break the cycle.
  • As well as providing direct support, Advance works with statutory services, government agencies and other women’s charities to ensure a holistic approach to the issues these women face.
  • Women must be referred to Advance, via statutory services or the charity’s self-referral scheme. For more information about who Advance is able to support, please visit Get help
  • For facts and statistics about domestic abuse and women in the criminal justice system, as well as Advance’s work, please visit Our impact

www.advancecharity.org.uk @ADVANCEcharity


Picture of hands folding clothing. Underneath it reads 'Cleaning Out Your Closet' and 'Exchange unwanted items for money to support Advance'
Pictures of five profiles of young women who feature in Advance film, 'I Love My Loud Voice'
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