The Minerva Wrap-Around service provides enhanced support to women and girls, aged 15 and above, with multiple and complex needs who are or have been in contact with the criminal justice system.
The service supports women across London through keyworker support, group-work, mentoring, and other specialist support.
Advance, in partnership with partner organisations, provides:
Targeted support and advocacy by keyworkers for women to address practical and emotional needs, including emotional well-being.
Peer Mentors with lived experience of the criminal justice system provide one-to-one support to help women rebuild their lives with the support of those who have an acute understanding of their experiences.
Young Women’s keyworkers for 15 to 24 year olds addressing age-specific issues such as emotional management, healthy relationships and self-esteem, and helping to mitigate the cliff-edge of support which often ends when a girl reaches the age of 18.
Three Women’s Centres in North, East, and West London, which are central hubs offering safe, women-only spaces.
Tailored groups delivered in Women’s Centres by specialist partner organisations with established expertise of supporting women in the criminal justice system, addressing the needs of women that are linked to offending, including financial management, employability, mental health, and domestic abuse.
Prison in-reach and Through-the-Gate Support for women in custody within three months prior to their release.
Make a referral
In London, women can refer themselves to our services, as well as be referred by the police, probation, statutory agencies, and other voluntary organisations.
London North: 020 3981 8486
London West: 020 8563 2225
London East: 020 3096 6488
Groups and workshops
Women can access group-based support programmes in order to empower them to move forward with their lives and to challenge the stigma associated with women affected by the Criminal Justice System.