A safe, just and equal world for women

Advance takes part in open day at Reading Crown Court

October 19, 2023
Advance’s Minerva Service in South Central England took part in an open day at Reading Crown Court on October 14th to raise awareness of Advance’s new women’s centre in Berkshire and services the charity provides.

They were among a number of stall holders at the event which attracted more than 1000 people throughout the day.

Caroline P, Service Manager Thames Valley, said:
“There were plenty of visitors and it was a good chance to network with other organisations. For example, we were able to hand out leaflets to probation practitioners working in offices, courts, prisons and with women in the criminal justice system – that written information to hand helps to explain the services we can offer them. We also spoke to several police officers about what Advance does.

Many law students came up to our stall to speak with us, along with lot of members of the public – that was probably helped by a big box of fruit salad sweets that went down well with everyone!

The event also provided a good opportunity to invite other agencies to the Berkshire centre’s open day on November 8th that will hopefully be attended by Mental Health Liaison and Diversion Service, Brown’s Community Services, Pact, Trust House and Catch 22.”

In a thank you letter to everyone who made the event a success, Judge Campbell wrote:
“Ultimately we want to give people an opportunity to find out more about the criminal justice system, the agencies who are key to the running of it and those involved with the consequences that flow from it and I hope we achieved that.”



For all press enquiries, please contact:

E: press@advancecharity.org.uk
T: 020 39533111

About Advance
  • Advance’s vision is a world in which women and children lead safe, equal, violence-free lives so that they can flourish and actively contribute to society. The charity works with women who experience domestic abuse to be safe and take control of their lives, and women who have committed crime or are at risk of offending to break the cycle.
  • Advance services are run across Greater London and the South East of England
  • Women must be referred to Advance, via statutory services or the charity’s self-referral scheme. For more information about who Advance is able to support, please visit Get Help
  • For facts and statistics about domestic abuse and women in the criminal justice system, as well as Advance’s work, please visit Our Impact
gate and concrete pillar outside a big building. The concrete pillar has writing which says CROWN COURT
Pictures of five profiles of young women who feature in Advance film, 'I Love My Loud Voice'
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