A safe, just and equal world for women

Advance’s Chief Executive Niki Scordi is stepping down

May 26, 2023
After over six years as Chief Executive of Advance, Niki Scordi will be stepping down on 31 October 2023.

After over six years as Chief Executive of Advance, Niki Scordi will be stepping down on 31 October 2023.

CEO of Advance, Niki Scordi, said:
“I joined Advance with the mission to deliver systems change to end domestic abuse and ensure we are able to support every woman and child survivor that reaches out to us. I am privileged to work with a passionate and committed team of now over 160 colleagues, our dedicated Board and thirty partner women’s organisations. Together we have delivered our strategy 2018 – 2022 through our specialist services across London and the South East. Our innovative services would not have been possible without the trust and support of our funders and statutory partners.”

“As we mark our 25th anniversary, our work is needed now more than ever. It is now time for a new leader to deliver our Strategy 2023 – 2026, so that women and children can be safe from abuse.”

Advance’s chair, Christine Losecaat MBE, said:
“Under Niki’s leadership, Advance has developed new innovative service models and systems change initiatives, grown from supporting 3,000 women a year in West London to over 9,000 a year nationally and opened a further seven women’s centres with our specialist partners across the South and East of England, including Central London. On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I would like to thank Niki for her passion, dedication, and drive.”

“We will be beginning a recruitment campaign for a new Chief Executive shortly. This is an exciting time to join us and to build on the solid foundations we now have in place, as a direct result of Niki’s stewardship. I wish her all the very best in her future endeavours and in the meantime look forward to working with her for the next 6 months to ensure Advance continues our vital work towards our vision for a safe, just and equal world.”


For all press enquiries, please contact:

E: press@advancecharity.org.uk 
T: 020 3953 3111

About Advance
  • Advance’s vision is a world in which women and children lead safe, equal, violence-free lives so that they can flourish and actively contribute to society. The charity works with women who experience domestic abuse to be safe and take control of their lives, and women who have committed crime or are at risk of offending to break the cycle.
  • As well as providing direct support, Advance works with statutory services, government agencies and other women’s charities to ensure a holistic approach to the issues these women face.
  • Women must be referred to Advance, via statutory services or the charity’s self-referral scheme. For more information about who Advance is able to support, please visit Get Help
  • For facts and statistics about domestic abuse and women in the criminal justice system, as well as Advance’s work, please visit Our Impact
Pictures of five profiles of young women who feature in Advance film, 'I Love My Loud Voice'
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