A safe, just and equal world for women

OUR RESPONSE TO COVID-19, December 2021

December 20, 2021
On Wednesday 8th December, the government announced new guidance and restrictions in light of the current pandemic.

In reaction to the new guidance and restrictions announced by the government, we are adapting our approach to face-to-face work in the community, our women-centres and offices with our service-users, partner agencies and our colleagues.

As we do so, we aim through our work to:

  • meet the needs of women and children being abused or in contact with the criminal justice system by both supporting and advocating for them in the community and in safe spaces, improving outcomes for them across all our teams and services
  • engage and deliver effective multi-agency and systems change work together with partners and statutory agencies, including co-locating and joint-working, removing barriers and increasing impact, across all our teams both front-line and non-front line.


Our services will be open 2 days a week for community / in person services, with front-line staff in the community/women centres at least 1 day each

Do you need help?

We remain open throughout the holiday period, except for Bank holidays (we are closed 27th and 28th December and 3rd January)

Our Domestic Abuse Helplines, for those experiencing domestic abuse, sexual violence and other forms of gender violence are open and can be accessed as before. Details on how to access help.

Open: Mon – Fri 10am-6pm
Tel: 020 8741 7008
Email: angelou@advancecharity.org.uk

Our Minerva helpline for women and girls involved in the criminal justice system is also open. We offer support to those who, recently or in the past, have had a conviction or caution, and need to access practical and emotional support. Details on how to access help.

Open: Mon – Fri 9am-5pm
Tel: 020 8563 2225
Email: minerva_admin@advancecharity.org.uk

Freephone 24 hour National Domestic Violence Helpline
Tel: 0808 2000 247
Email www.NationalDomesticViolenceHelpline.org.uk

In an emergency, call 999
Our Women Centres and Groups

We have had to adapt our Women Centres and Groups to ensure help continues to be available and women remain connected during this time.

We are holding virtual sessions conducted in a safe, respectful, and confidential way, creating accessible service for women, both for the current circumstances and potentially the future.

For information please find our programme of activities here.

Are you referring someone?

If you are a professional, including the Police, Social Care, Housing, Health, Probation and other partner agencies, and are referring someone to our services, you can find details on how to contact us.

Join us and support our work

Do you believe in a world in which women and children lead safe, equal, violence-free lives so that they can flourish and actively contribute to society? Please join us to help women and children to be safe; find out more about how your support will make change lives and make a donation.

For more information, please call our Head Office 020 3953 3111 between 9am – 5pm (closed on bank holidays).

Pictures of five profiles of young women who feature in Advance film, 'I Love My Loud Voice'
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